Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 3: Into the Countryside

     Hey there!

     Yesterday morning, I left London to visit friends in East Anglia. I took the train, so I was able to see a good bit of the countryside. It was breathtaking! The grape seed is in bloom, so there were patches of bright yellow here and there in the green landscape. There were trees scattered here and there, wildflowers, and some sort of cereal that is growing that gives an even richer green tone to the landscape. My friends picked me up in a village called Stowmarket, then, after lunch, drove me to their new home in a village about twenty minutes away called Gislingham. 

     These are the friends I stayed with last year, when they lived in Greater London. They are some of the kindest people you could ever hope to meet, and they unfailingly treat me like their grandchild every time I see them. Precious!

     They showed me around their new home, then Mary (not her real name, since I'm overly cautious...) showed me how to make Victoria Sandwich Cake! The recipe is posted at the end of this entry.

Bread pudding (made by Mary's husband, "Mark") in the background, and Victoria Sandwich Cake!

     We enjoyed a lovely supper, lots of tea, and great time spent catching up. You know those friends who you don't see in a while, but it feels like no time has passed at all when you meet again? These are those friends. I always feel so comfortable and at home with them. Their hospitality is unparalleled. Mary's Mother, Samantha (different name), was also there. She is a darling woman, and it was lovely to spend time with her again. She's approaching ninety now, but she's still as sharp as a tack! Mary got out her memorabilia from Queen Elizabeth II's coronation, so I spent hours pouring over it. I still didn't finish looking at everything! I was also really interested in the advertisements they'd listed:

   From a magazine called "Picture Post," published June 13, 1953

From "Illustrated" magazine, an ad from France for Queen Elizabeth II's coronation

     Fun, yes? It was such a different time! There were all sorts of ads especially for housewives and white collar workers. 

     And now, the recipe for Victoria Sandwich Cake!

     Victoria Sponge Cake

     8 oz. Caster Sugar
     8 oz. Soft Butter (salted works well, because there is no other salt in this recipe)
     4 eggs
     8 oz. Self-Rising Flour
     1 teaspoon Baking Powder
     2 Tablespoons Milk

     Butter Cream

     4 oz. Soft Butter (again, salted works well)
     5 oz. Powdered Sugar
     Vanilla Extract (optional)

     You will also need jam (raspberry is traditional, but any kind will do)

     Divide the batter into 2  7 1/2 inch or 8 inch pans and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Once the cake cools, spread your butter cream mixture on the bottom of one half, and spread the jam on the top of the other half. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top. From what I saw, it seems traditional to eat a slice of this cake with your hands, not with a utensil. I prefer a utensil, but do what you will! Whatever you do, enjoy!



  1. Sounds like you're enjoying your London trip.. The pix
    are beautiful. If you get a chance you should check out piccadilly square the shopping there is fun.
