Why am I writing this? It feels a bit random, and yet it’s been a long time coming even so.
I miss the field. My team continues to labor in London while I labor to return and work alongside them. Most people think that London is just a nice place to be, and as a tourist, it is. But I see a side of London that tourists will never see. I see the hungry, the broken, the lost. I’ve fed those whose eyes will always haunt me as a reminder of why I’m there. I’ve prayed and ached for those who are trapped in situations that I cannot even imagine. I wish I could impart to you the pain of walking past the brothels in Soho’s trendy red light district, where men and women are brought to their lowest with little to no choice, and human trafficking is more than just something we see discussed on a commercial or a t-shirt.
I’ve been blessed. As a young, white, Protestant, middle-class, American woman, I’ve had the option to look away. Most people do—it’s easier. But I can’t anymore…
A few weeks ago I saw a homeless man on the street near my local grocery store. Usually I don’t stop, because of the normal million reasons we don’t stop. But that day, God told me to stop. I didn’t have much, but I bought the man a protein drink and I gave him what was left of my lunch that day, hoping it would refresh him somehow on what was one of the hottest days we’ve had this summer. He bowed and thanked me, and I was rushed back to London and Spain, places where I’d fed the hungry and been reminded of the privilege of a shower.
I’m on the Arts team in London, feeding the hungry isn’t my daily fare. But looking into the eyes of the broken is. And it is a pure honor to do so. To be Jesus’ hands and feet and tell people who are alone in the world that Jesus loves them, died for them, and is ready to embrace them is a tremendous blessing. Art has the incredible power of breaking through walls and touching people’s hearts. So whether we’re performing on the streets or simply walking them to pray for the city and its people, we’re making a difference. I miss the front lines. It’s so hard, but I’m not called to do it alone. And my prayers Stateside are still heard and answered by God, who loves the British people even more than I do. I just hope that I can say my prayers in London soon. I hope I can put hands and feet to them.
Ways you can pray:
1) I have the possibility of returning to London in October, but in order to do so I’ll need to have raised $1,000 more in the next two weeks so that I can submit my visa application in time to receive it and fly back to London in time. Beyond that, I’ll need miracle money for a plane ticket, but I keep reminding myself that I don’t need to think of that just yet…one step at a time.
2) Please pray for my team as they continue to work in London, the rest of Great Britain, and Western Europe, and please pray for soft hearts as seeds are planted.
3) Pray for revival!
Thanks friends.
Yours in Christ,